"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision." - Helen Keller
Global Alternative Investments
New York is presently stretched to unsustainable levels long term, based on ALL major measures, whether fundamental, technical, and quantitative or valuation.
A major bear market from global equity peaks would be consistent with the fundamentals of a secular precious metals bull market that will have been supported by currency devaluations and historically high bond prices which, together, provide investors scant global long-only alternatives.
High-yielding PM option writing programs exist at this time when investors are in desperate search of returns in today's increasingly inflationary environment.
About Sid Klein

Over his 40 year career in the investment industry, Sid Klein has consistently written commentary under different eponymous banners, including Sid Klein's Daily Fax until 2001, and online through January 1, 2015 as the Sid Klein Global Strategy report.
A product of Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, Sid Klein then joined the securities industry as a financial advisor in 1982.
Including his US track record, the frequent accuracy and breadth of his work (Major Market Turning Points) led to broader coverage in both global television and print media.
In Asia, Sid gained particular recognition for having forecasted and identified the peak of the Nikkei’s secular bull market in 1990, as well as its key cyclical lows of 1998 and 2003, all within a day or two.
Major Market Turning Points
Since 1990, Sid Klein has identified several historic secular and cyclical major turning points in multiple asset classes and markets, often within days. His monthly and interim reports demonstrated the significant effects of timely and limited asset re-allocations on long term portfolio performance.
Sid Klein's Daily Fax went online in November 2001, and became known as the Sid Klein's Global Strategy report. Post-2014 reports are found here, while several also appear in Sid In The Press.
Cyclically identified turning points may have proved valuable for months, before requiring revision in subsequent reports.
Major Market Turning Points, including its four sub-pages (see Read More below), illustrates the multi-decade research and commentary not found in Sid In The Press.
Sid In The Press
Sid In The Press includes a more recent sampling of all previous reports. Past Reports and Major Market Turning Points, including its four subpages (New York, Precious Metals, Japan/Shanghai, Currencies), round-out all prior work.
Past Reports
This page includes 4 sub-pages, New York, Precious Metals, Japan/Shanghai, Currencies. When longer-dated turning points were probed and proved successful for the short-intermediate term, subsequent reports adjusted as evidenced.
Post-2007 reports appear in one or more sub-pages above. To view all pre-2008 reports, please click on read more below.
Television Appearances
Sid Klein expounded upon the contrarian arguments for a major low in Japan (see March 31, May 3, and May 30 2003 reports) in Sid Klein’s first ROBtv (now BNN) interview (Sep. 23, 2002). Near lows (see Major Market Turning Points), Sid had discussed domestic value stocks that would outperform popular themes
At the April 2003 low, ROBtv interviewed Sid for a second time, about the reasoning behind the 125% Nikkei rally that would follow. Opportunities were reviewed, as Sid had first turned bullish on Japanese Domestic Demand Oriented Value stocks (DDOVS) in 2000. Returns would run countertrend to the severe losses being suffered during the also forecast 2000 - 2002 collapse in global world indices.
"Kudos for Sid Klein who has demonstrated par excellence understanding of the gold market."
Dr. Vronsky GOLD-EAGLE.com
"I know of no other service that has consistently forecast and timed the precious metals with such precision. Nor any writer who has analyzed the major Eastern and Western indices and equity themes with such acumen since 2000. So, we're asset allocators who read SKGS."
Regent Wealth Management Top 100 Advisors Worth Magazine – 2006
"Early in 1990, Sid correctly insisted that the top was in. It was. Years later, he also called the bottom in Tokyo, and urged his clients to start buying again. After retiring in March 2000, I became very interested in gold and gold stocks. I still am. Sid also follows this sector and believes it's in a secular bull market. My agreement is another reason to read."
Peter C. Dubois
If you have any questions for Mr. Klein about the markets, please write in.
Global Alternative Investments
5755 Shalom Avenue
Second Floor
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H4W 2Y8
Tel: +1 (888) 939-2221